Food Questionnaire Food Questionnaire Subscribe Contact InformationGoalsSchedulingGrocery ShoppingGeneral Flavor Preferences & Dietary NeedsIngredientsNew Client Questionnaire Thank you for taking the time to complete this form as thoroughly as possible. Your chef values this information to customize delicious menu ideas for your weekday dinners.Today’s DateName(s)AddressWhere should the chef park?– Select –StreetDrivewayGarageHome Access– Select –We’ll give you a keySomeone will be homeEntry codeWhat is Entry Code? (we’ll keep this confidential)Phone (1)Phone (2)Email (1)Email (2)Birthday(s) and Anniversary (we love to celebrate)Child(ren) Name(s) & Age(s)Pet(s) Name(s)PreviousNextWhat do you want to accomplish by having a personal chef?What are your expectations of your chef?Have you consulted with a dietitian or completed any food sensitivity testing?Which of our additional services might be of interest to you? Kitchen Organization Home Entertaining Cooking Classes Eats Amore Meal DeliveryPreviousNextHow many meals per week will be most helpful for you?– Select –3 dinners for 2 plus leftovers4 dinners for 2 plus leftovers5 dinners for 2 plus leftovers3 dinners for 4 plus leftovers4 dinners for 4 plus leftovers5 dinners for 4 plus leftovers3 dinners for 6 plus leftovers4 dinners for 6 plus leftovers5 dinners for 6 plus leftoversHow would you like your meals stored? Family-Style Individual PortionsAny custom requests for other types of meals? (i.e. breakfast, snacks, dessert)What weekdays work for your cooking to occur? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayCheck your preferred time of day Morning (arrival 9-10am) Afternoon (arrival 1-2pm)What is your ideal start date/week?Do you have any upcoming travel plans where service is not needed for a particular week?PreviousNextWhere do you grocery shop?Grocery preferences Non-Organic 100% Organic Organic only for meats, seafood, & dairy Organic only for specific fruits/vegetables (i.e. Dirty Dozen/Clean Fifteen List) OtherProvide details on preferencesPreviousNextWhat are your favorite cuisines/foods?What cuisines do you dislike?What is your spice tolerance? (We prepare no-low spice for children unless otherwise indicated) No Spice Mild Medium HotProvide details on your spice tolerancePlease describe in detail any food sensitivities/allergies and for which household member. In the next section, you can identify ingredients you don’t like as opposed to what is an actual sensitivity.Do you prefer big bold flavors, spicy, mild, other?Upload a File (i.e. Food Sensitivity Test Results)Choose File PreviousNextAnimal & Plant-Based ProteinsYesNoBeefPorkBaconLambBisonChickenTurkeyEggsSalmonHalibutCodShrimpScallopsCrabLobsterTofuTempehEdamameBeansLentilsNutsSeedsAnimal & Plant-Based DairyYesNoCow DairyGoat DairySheep DairyAlmond Non-DairyCoconut Non-DairyCashew Non-DairySoy Non-DairyRice Non-DairyOat Non-DairyHemp Non-DairyGrains & PastaYesNoWhite PastaWhole Wheat PastaGluten-Free PastaRice NoodlesQuinoaWhite RiceBrown RiceWild RiceBarleyFarroCouscousOatsVegetablesYesNoAsparagusArugulaSpinachKaleCollard GreensChardBok ChoyCabbageBrussels SproutsBroccoliCauliflowerCeleryGreen BeansSnap/Snow PeasZucchiniYellow SquashCucumberOkraGreen Bell PepperRed/Orange/Yellow Bell PepperChili Pepper (i.e. Jalapeno, Serrano, Habanero)CarrotParsnipCornAcorn SquashButternut SquashSpaghetti SquashPumpkinWhite PotatoSweet PotatoBeetsOnionLeekArtichokeMushroomEggplantFruitsYesNoStrawberriesRaspberriesBlackberriesBlueberriesCranberryOrangeLemonLimePineappleGrapefruitPeachNectarineApricotPlumCherryOlivesApplePearMangoBananaCantaloupeHoneydewWatermelon**After you click Submit, you should receive a Success notice at the top of your screen. If not, please try again. Your original data will remain in the form fields so you can scroll through the form pages again to Submit. Previous Submit